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About (New Copy)


Hi! Thanks for visiting my website.

I’m a social psychologist and Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Michigan. I study people’s intuitions about legal concepts such as consent, autonomy, and moral responsibility. I am interested in questions like: How do people determine whether someone is acting is acting voluntarily? How do we think about interferences to autonomy, such as coercion, deception, manipulation, and "nudging"? Are our legal doctrines defensible in light of empirical insights from social and cognitive sciences?

 Vanessa Bohns and I were recently awarded an NSF grant to continue our research on how people judge the voluntariness of consent. I have published several op-eds on the difficulty of saying no.

Prior to joining the Michigan Law faculty, I served as a Bigelow Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School, where I founded the Psychology and Law Studies (PALS) Lab.

I earned a BA from Swarthmore College and a JD as well as a PhD in Psychology from Yale. Before graduate school, I served as a research fellow at the NIH Bioethics Department in Bethesda, Maryland. My interest in consent stems from my time working alongside philosophers, lawyers, health care professionals, and social scientists to provide ethics consultations at the world's largest research hospital, the NIH Clinical Center