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Workshop at Yale Law School in 2017

Roseanna Sommers

In October 2017, the inaugural Experimental Jurisprudence Workshop was held at Yale Law School.

Schedule of events

9:00 AM - Breakfast and welcome by Joshua Knobe

9:30 AM - Christian Mott: "Punishment Over Time"

10:30 AM - Roseanna Sommers: "Toward a Folk Theory of Consent"

11:30 Break

12:00 PM - Eddy Nahmias: "Communicative Theories of Punishment and the Impact of Apology"

1:00 Lunch

2:30 PM - Mihailis Diamantis & Yuan Yuan: "Acting Out: Environment Influences on Action Attribution"

3:30 PM - Kristen Bell: "Should I Think You're Dangerous?"

4:30 PM Break

5:00 PM - Kevin Tobia: "Are Tomatoes Fruits or Vegetables? Folk Biology and Legal Categorization"